What to expect on your first bill

Welcome to CenturyLink! We're glad to have you as a new customer.

If you haven't already, you will soon receive your first bill. The first bill may look different than other bills, because it sometimes includes one-time charges, which don't appear on your bill every month. Depending on the service you have, the one-time charges can include:


  • Equipment purchases
  • Equipment shipping and handling
  • Connection, activation or installation fees
  • New phone jack installation charges

To give you an idea of what to expect, we have created examples of first bills, which are shown below.  If you want to see what a typical monthly bill looks like, take a look at the understanding your bill page.

Examples of first bills

In the bill shown below, there are two main sections. Please note: This is a sample bill and may not look exactly like yours.

  1. Details of Your CenturyLink Packaged Services 
    This section shows the monthly recurring charges for the customer's current bundle of services. Note: this section may also be called Details of Your Internet and Home Phone Charges.

  2. Additional Charges and Credits 
    This section shows:
  • One Time Charges. A $99 charge for a technician installation of services is shown in the One Time Charges area.  Any one-time charges related to your order will be shown in this area.

  • Monthly Charges. A $15 monthly charge for the lease of a modem is shown in the Monthly Charges area. Any similar monthly charges will be shown here. Note: for some customers the modem lease will be in the Details of Your Internet and Home Phone Charges section.
Bundled first bill example

In the bill shown below, there are two main sections. Please note: This is a sample bill and may not look exactly like yours.

  1. Details of your CenturyLink Packaged Services
    This section shows the monthly recurring charges for the internet service. Note: this may also be called Details of Your Internet Charges.

  2. Additional Charges and Credits 
    This section shows:
  • One Time Charges. An $85 charge for the installation of a new jack in the home is shown in the One Time Charges area. Any one-time charges related to your order will be shown in this area.

  • Monthly Charges. A $15 monthly charge for the lease of a  modem is shown in the Monthly Charges area. Any similar monthly charges will be shown here. Note: for some customers the modem lease will be in the Details of Your Internet section.
Internet only first bill example

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